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Common Room

  • Besides Staff Common Room, there are two common rooms, one for men students and the other for women students of the college where they can retire and relax. They are provided with indoor games, newspapers, magazines and journals for the benefit of the students.
  • . Each student subscribes Rs. 5 /- towards the Common Room fund every year as per the instruction of the D.P.I., Orissa.
  • Its working hour is regulated by an Executive Committee (both men and women students together)
    which consists of:-
    i) The Principal (Ex-officio) President.
    ii) Professors-in-charge of Common Room nominated by the Principal.
    iii) Two students (Boy / Girl) are nominated by The Principal for the Boys’ Common Room and Girls ‘Common Room respectively.
  • The fund is under the direct control of the Principal and expenditure is to be incurred on the recommendations of the Professor in-charge of the Common Room.