Each and every student shall come to the college with proper uniform and identity card. The student shall enter the class room in time and leave the classes after the periods are over. The students shall not involve in any unwanted activities like gossiping in the class, satirizing the teachers, passing comments on girls. The students shall not use any vulgar language inside and outside the class- room. They shall not bring any mobile phone, walky-talky or any other electronic devices to the class rooms. They shall not loiter in the college veranda when classes are going on for other students. The students should utilise the library, reading-room and students’ common room during leisure periods. The students shall not damage any of the fixed or movable assets of the college. If any student is found to be involved in such anti-institutional activities he/she shall be penalised deemed fit as recommended by the disciplinary committee. Using helmet is mandatory for students coming to the college on bike as per the direction of DHE (O), BBSR. The students are advised to go through the College Notice-board everyday to be aware of the rules & regulation for them and daily functioning of the College.


Every student requires to attend at least 75% of theory and 75% of practical classes held in each subject which he/she takes in each session. In case of illness, supported by Medical Certificate, the University considers application for the condonation of shortage of attendance if shortage is less than 15%. If a student finds that his/ her name has not been entered in the attendance register of any class, he/ she should bring the matter to the notice of the Principal in person immediately.